Topic Progress:


No two children, even those from the same family, are exactly alike. Each child is born with his or her own unique temperament.

According to Drs Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, personality is divided into two components – temperament and character.

Temperament is genetically determined and present at birth. Character develops later and is influenced by how a child is raised.

According to Thomas and Chess, the nine temperament traits are:

  1. Activity
  2. Regularity
  3. Initial Reaction
  4. Adaptability
  5. Intensity
  6. Mood
  7. Distractibility
  8. Persistence and Attention Span
  9. Sensory Threshold

Key Reflection Questions

Which of these nine traits can you identify in your child?

Which of these nine traits can you identify in yourself and in your partner?

Do you think that the degree of similarity or difference between your temperament

and those of your children influences how well you relate to them?