Topic Progress:

Different Types of Praise

Labelled Praise

Labelled praise tells children specifically what it is that they’re doing that you like.

When children receive labelled praise, they feel good and are more likely to repeat the behaviour.

Using predictions and praise with your children as a group

Children can also be motivated to behave well when you predict good behaviour of them when they’re together.

Content vs Process Praise

Content praise draws attention to the end product or on a fixed quality of the child.

In contrast, process praise draws attention to the:

  • effort
  • enthusiasm
  • ideas
  • concentration
  • persistence, and
  • problem-solving approach taken by the child.

According to the findings in Dr Carol Dweck’s studies, children who receive more process praise are more likely to rise to challenges, try harder and be less likely to give up.

Key Reflection Questions

Which types of praise are helpful?

What is the difference between content praise and process praise?

What qualities are targeted using process praise?

Can I think of situations in which these types of praise might be helpful for my children?