Topic Progress:

Sibling Rivalry

  • Sibling rivalry is a common problem and occurs when children view their brothers and sisters as competitors.
  • One way to prevent and reduce sibling rivalry is to use language which unites, rather than divides our children.
  • To foster a positive bond between our children, it’s also helpful to create positive associations in our children’s minds about their brothers and sisters.
  • Avoid using comparative, exaggerated and competitive language which can divide children.
  • When we encourage children to focus on their differences, then they learn to compete against each other – for toys, for turns and, of course, for our attention.
  • Similarly when kids learn that winning or being the best is what’s important, it pitches them against each other which can give rise to all sorts of difficulties.
  • When we encourage children to focus on the ways they work well together, then they learn to cooperate. • Only when each of our children feel like they are valued, equal contributors can they be genuinely motivated to be helpful and cooperative, which in turn significantly reduces behavioural problems.

Key Reflection Questions

Are there things that I do or say which might inadvertently promote rivalry between my kids?

What changes can I make to my language and actions which will promote unity among my kids?