
Preparing Your Child to Start School

Starting school is a big transition for our kids. Some children seem to take it all in their stride. But many find the size of the buildings, the sheer number of kids running around, the ‘new-ness’ of it all, very daunting. Dr Kaylene Henderson was recently asked to share her advice on this topic on the Today Show. If you’re [...]

Preparing Your Child to Start School2020-10-06T16:36:26+10:00

Tips for helping young children with perfectionism

Written by Dr Kaylene Henderson (First featured on the Storypark blog) There’s a perception in our society that perfectionism is a good thing, akin to ‘being perfect’; That it’s something to strive for or to drop into conversation in job interviews… Yet the reality is quite different. Perfectionism leads people to place unreasonably and often unrealistically high expectations on themselves, which, [...]

Tips for helping young children with perfectionism2017-11-28T02:50:51+10:00

Guiding Toddler Behaviour – Not Another ‘No’

Written by Dr Kaylene Henderson (First featured on the Storypark blog) As I was driving this morning, I passed a food van parked by the side of the road. On its side was emblazoned its business name, ‘Not Another Pie Van’. I drove on, wondering what they sold (presumably not pies). How would their customers know? Were they relying on people [...]

Guiding Toddler Behaviour – Not Another ‘No’2018-01-23T04:25:02+10:00

Talking With Young Children About Death

Has your child experienced the death of a loved one? Helping a young child to understand and deal with death can be challenging for parents. Here are some tips that you might find helpful when speaking with your young child about death: It’s important to speak with your child honestly, using age-appropriate language. Be careful of your wording. Saying that [...]

Talking With Young Children About Death2017-11-28T02:50:53+10:00

Managing Transitions in Young Children

Imagine you were having a great time catching up with your friends, laughing and joking, when suddenly an enormous pair of hands reached down, grabbed you without warning and carried you away. Now imagine you were sitting by yourself, nearing the end of a great book when, unexpectedly, the giant pair of hands returned, carrying you away from your book [...]

Managing Transitions in Young Children2017-11-28T02:50:54+10:00

Children’s Personality: Does a Child’s Temperament Determine Personality?

Children’s Personality: Understanding Your Child’s Temperament and its Role in Determining Your Child’s Personality “We do not MAKE our children who they are. Instead we DISCOVER who they are.” The nature versus nurture argument about personality has always seemed a little futile to me. It’s a bit like debating whether a cake is the result of its ingredients or the [...]

Children’s Personality: Does a Child’s Temperament Determine Personality?2017-11-28T02:50:55+10:00

The Science Behind the ‘Mummy/Mommy Wars’

I’ve always found it interesting that there are so many different parenting ‘styles’. What I hadn’t anticipated before joining the ranks of parenthood myself several years ago was that many parents are not only advocates for their preferred ‘style’ but staunch defenders of what they perceive to be the ‘only right way’. Drawn to Child Psychiatry in my professional life, [...]

The Science Behind the ‘Mummy/Mommy Wars’2017-11-28T02:50:56+10:00

Understanding Attachment

What is attachment? The clinical concept of attachment refers to the quality of the relationship between a child and their caregiver. (This is different from the style of parenting known as ‘attachment parenting’). The importance of secure relationships in childhood: The security of your relationship with children has a big impact on several long term developmental outcomes, including: brain development self-esteem resilience [...]

Understanding Attachment2017-11-28T02:50:57+10:00

Sleep Tips For Young Children: How Much Is Enough and Why Sleep Is So Important

Did you know young children spend approximately half their lives asleep? Children’s brains and bodies need this much sleep, since sleep is critically important for: Brain development Attention, concentration, memory and learning Growing bodies Physical energy A child’s mood and ability to cope with stress and upsets Keeping the immune system working well Babies and young children have greater requirements [...]

Sleep Tips For Young Children: How Much Is Enough and Why Sleep Is So Important2017-11-28T02:50:58+10:00

Battling Bedtime Monsters

I once heard that young children are hardwired to dream about frightening, child-eating creatures. Apparently it’s an evolutionary advantage to have had a few practise runs before being chased by a real sabre-tooth tiger. These nightmares affect 50% of children and occur most often in the 3-6 year age group. Children’s brains have adapted to modern times though so instead [...]

Battling Bedtime Monsters2017-11-28T02:50:58+10:00


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